
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Edinburgh Rock Whisky Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Edinburgh Rock Whisky Business - Essay ExampleWhen Alan Graham was in South Africa, he happened to meet a friend of his who had managed to create a fortune for himself in the whisky industry. Grahams friend had managed to do this by introducing a whisky by the name Mountain Range Whisky. The whisky was in a bottle that was shaped as the Table Mountain, the mountain that shadows blanket Town. Grahams friend had steadily managed to derive profit from the sale of his whisky. Therefore, from this idea Graham thought of finding a bottling company that would he would bargain for bottles that were shaped like the Edinburgh Rock and hence call it Edinburgh Rock Whisky.Market inquiry is doing anything that gives wiz a better understanding of the market that one is venturing into. Market research is normally done before the production of a commodity and has often been proven a valuable thing to do. It is because a customer research guides ones business decisions since gives one understandi ng of his/her competitors, marketing, consumers and products. Since it helps one make better decision, it will certainly come in very handing in creating a no-hit and exceptional marketing strategy.Marketing helps one reduce the chances of getting the prices, products and promotions wrong. A suitable example is that of Alan Graham. If he had carried out a good market research, he would ache known that there were chances that some institutions in Scotland would reject his product. In addition, he would have known that there was need to make a few adjustments to the fervour business plan.

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