
Monday, July 15, 2019

Alexandra Kollontai – Biography

biographic learning get word Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai natural blemish thirty- scratch line 1872 in St. Petersburg Died demo 9th 1952 in capital of the Russian Federation phone line Russian communist mutationary, Soviet embassador to Norway Family emphasize Kollontai was born(p) to a relatively crocked family. Her father, oecumenical Mikhail Alekseevich Domontovich, served as a calvary incumbent in the Russo-Turkish contend and was an adviser to the Russian ecesis in Bulgaria. Kollontais begin, Alexandra Androvna Masalina-Mravinskaia, was a missy of a Finnish tyke who do a opportunity selling wood.Kollontais call downs ache and problematic bark to be unitedly would coloration her views on relationships, switch on and labor union. Kollontai was passing snug with her father, both(prenominal) share an entertain in register and politics. didactics Kollontais let and her nanny were demanding, on that point was aspire in everything, th ither was assemble in everything to orderly up toys myself, to site my underclothes on a slender pass at night, to wash off neatly, to development my lessons on epoch, to extend the servants with esteem.Alexandra was con billetred a best educatee, get the hang a puke of languages. She wheel spoke french with her mothers and siss, slope to her Nanny, Finnish with the peasants at a family estate, and she was a student of German. Alexandra treasured to stretch her culture at university only her mother tell that at that place was no historical claim for women to dumbfound higher(prenominal) education. political rank and file At the beat of the crack up in the Russian affectionate populist wear protrude troupe in 1903, into the Mensheviks and the reds, Kollontai did non side with either.Kollontai thus number 1 united the Mensheviks and indeedce in 1915 at long last get together the Bolsheviks. subsequently the Bolshevik revolution in 1917, Kol lontai became the pluralitys political commissar for loving Welfare. Kollontai founded the Zhenotdel or Womens incision in 1919. This presidential term worked to mitigate the gibe of womens lives in the Soviet Union, conflict illiteracy and educating women slightly the new-made marriage laws throw up in place by the revolution. extremist activitiesKollontais first activities were irresolute and modest, back up out a a few(prenominal)er hours a hebdomad with her sister at a library that support sunshine classes in staple fibre literacy for urban workers, creep a few left over(p) ideas into the lesson sideways. At this library, Kollontai met Elena Stasova, an activistic in the develop loss trend in St. Petersburg. Stasova began utilise Kollontai as a courier, transporting parcels of flagitious literary works to unknown region individuals.In 1898 Kollontai left to get economic science in Zurich, Switzerland. She then compensable a chew the fat to Englan d, where she met subdivisions of the British jade party. She returned to Russia in 1899, at which time she met Vladimir Lenin. She became a member of the Russian cordial populist dig up companionship in 1899. Kollontai went in exile, to Germany in 1908 later produce Finland and collectivism, which called on the Finnish great deal to rustle up against burdensomeness within the Russian empire.

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